Saturday, July 5, 2008


While Sonny was off this week, we bought a chest freezer.
Lucy (the pig) is getting bigger and bigger - and "D" day for her will be in the next month or so. Hopefully Sonny will be able to top off the freezer with moose meat this fall. Wyatt got to ride to Home Depot to help load it up.
He put on his "cool face" for this picture.

And, being the wonderful dad that he is, Sonny made the freezer box into a fort for the kids. They were delighted. Why do we even bother to buy toys?

1 comment:

Heather Henderson said...

Moose meat???? Really??? I dunno about that! I used to LOVE making forts out of really big boxes! Wyatt is such a cutie. You have such cute kiddos! I don't know how you get anything done!